New Free Guide: Because the Good Guys and Gals ought to win!
Fresh for the New Year, our brand new 5 step brand story playbook for brands with purpose.
Trying to market a brand that’s missing an awesome brand story is tough! Low or zero response to your campaigns, lacklustre leads and hard or drawn out sales are tell tale signs.
We know this is a frustrating and stressful place to be! And the constant pressure to turn it all around can be suffocating.
If you’re like many we’ve met in this position, you’ve never really been guided through the brand story formula. Or how to pull everything together to make your marketing work.
Marketing ought to be easier! And it can be (with a brand story that resonates and a plan).
That’s why our team at The Sponge have created the five step brand story marketing playbook. It’s designed to help you take your brand to a whole new level. Best of all it is free.
Because the good guys and gals ought to win.
It’s a primer for those looking to fast track their marketing success. And to open the flood gates to more and easier sales.
Many tasked with marketing a brand may have a good sense of what to do, and simply need help to pull it all together in a way that works. This playbook helps you do just that. Become the marketing success you’ve been striving to be.
The result we want to help you achieve is a brand worth raving about. That means raving fans, which really means a perpetual stream of new customers for your business (who also turn into raving fans!).
And on it goes! Imagining the floodgates opening for your business?
So what’s in this playbook?
Easiest way is to find out is to download your free copy and read it for yourself.
As a teaser the titles of the fundamental first three steps are:
#1 ~ Lead with Purpose
#2 ~ Decode Your Customers
#3 ~ Craft Your Brand Story
Download the guide to find out the last two.

Of course, we have a path for those who want help to go deeper. Or for those who prefer an a guide to light the path. Much like a brand story marketing coach.
We’re here to help you create raving fans for your brand. Because the good guys and gals ought to win.
We have a simple three step plan for that.
- Book your complimentary consultation
- Allow us to create a strategy for your brand
- We’ll work together to implement it
I hope you enjoy our five step brand story marketing playbook. Be sure to share your successes with us.
Warmly, Luke